
The development, designing, installation stage of investment or its operation phase require the vast knowledge of different acts of law: building, energy, environmental law or spatial local planning.
It does not matter if you plan to build a farm, a lumber-mill, a manufacturing plant, a wind farm, medium voltage or HV infrastructure we offer the complete support during each step of investment.
For the Clients who intend to change the seller of the energy based on TPA rule we provide the assistance in case of problems from grid operators', previous or present seller's side.
We carry out the consultancies, negotiations with the operators of the grid, meetings with local authorities. Our supervision of your project will assist you to finalise promptly and properly the investment in accordance with appropriate acts of law, rules and regulations.
The members of our team co-operated in the past with the best lawyers specialising in the branch of energy including renewable and performed services for the largest companies in this sector.
We offer the co-operation in the process of due diligence for companies interested in purchasing of energy projects, documentation or performing audits.

Idea EkoTech elaborates the acoustic analyses on the basis of the following standards and regulations:

  1. The Act of Law of 27th April 2001, Environmental Protection Law [Official Journal of 20th June 2001, No. 62, pos. 627 with further changes]
  2. The Act of Law of 3rd October 2008 the Provision of Information on the Environment and its Protection, Environment and its Protection, Public Participation in Environmental Protection and Environmental Impact Assessments [Official Journal of Laws of 2008 No. 199, pos. 1227]
  3. The Decree of the Ministry of the Environment of 14 June 2007 concerning the permissible levels of the noise in the environment [Official Journal of Laws of 5th July 2007 No. 120, pos. 826]
  4. PN-N-01341: 2000. Environmental noise. Methods of measurements and assessment of the industrial noise, including amendment.
  5. PN-ISO 9613-2:2002. Acoustics. Reducing of noise during the propagation in the open space. General method of calculation.